Corporate Social Responsibility

As an expression of the company's sense of social responsibility, it is particularly relevant to the provision of employment and the creation of qualified personnel, quality and leadership.

Corporate Social Responsibility

From Company to the community ...

As a statement of the company's commitment to the community, particularly in terms of providing employment and producing skilled manpower, quality and leadership, the company cooperates with government administration of several educational institutions and labor providers. We are creating opportunities / career Opportunities companies provide graduate students to participate in internship programs.

In this internship program, participants who pass will have the opportunity to complete training and complete both theoretical and practical work. His education and training opportunities offered include Employment Attitudes, Job Skills, and Leadership Skills. Participants who excel in education and training and pass the exam are given priority opportunities to work as management trainees in the Company and are trained and disciplined to become credible leaders within the Company. The Company's policy is to prioritize the communities around the Company and to comply with the selection and acceptance of Company employees, which will continue to include active participation in social activities in the Company's environment. It will be executed.